Friday, March 4, 2011

Human Response of Children in the Built Interior Environment

I recently mentioned an article that I came across on trends in educational design. According to the article one of the trends that we may see in the next few years is changing grade spans.  The article suggests that the transition to a new school that children experience may have adverse effects on them. To avoid this many school districts are contemplating K-8 and K-12 configurations.  While this avenue no longer requires children to switch schools throughout their educational experience it now brings up other issues.   Children would no longer be in an environment with a maximum age difference of six years.   The age range would now span up to 14 years. Equipment and fixtures would have to fit people ranging in size from toddlers to full grown adults.  There would also have to be designed elements that separate the older and younger children.  Young children may feel uncomfortable in an environment with children that much older than them.  When I was in grade school transitioning from elementary to middle and middle to the high school was a rite of passage. What effect will taking that away have on children? 

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