Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Biophilia in furniture and furnishing design

Merriam-Webster defines biophilia as a hypothetical human tendency to interact or be closely associated with other forms of life in nature.  The University of Sheffield even conducted a study where it used neuroimaging to show the effects of scenes of nature on the brain compared to scenes of a man made environment with similar qualities.  This study proved that the brain responded positively to viewing natural scenes.  But how can biophilia be used in interior furniture or furnishing design to evoke human response? 
An Artscape Gallery based out of London has created what they call video paintings.  According to  these framed videos taken by stationary cameras have “restorative, calming effects” because they “accurately display nature’s tempos.”  They are suggesting that placing the more cheerful images in healthcare environments would have positive effects on the patients.  Literally placing framed views of nature in a space is one way to incorporate biophilia in interior furnishings but it is not the only way.
Have you seen Gruppo Strum’s Pratone chair? If you’ve ever wanted to see grass from and ant’s point of view look no further.  The Pratone chair looks like manicured grass magnified 10,000 times.   According to it is made of cold-foamed polyurethane and painted with varnish, so it’s not the most environmentally friendly thing you’ve ever heard of but short of rolling around in actual grass this is may be the next best thing.  But instead of spending $14,000 on magnified AstroTurf I’ll go outside and get close to real nature for free.

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