To make your home work for you, you have to arrange your home in the way that you work. I have a long narrow room. At the end near the windows was a couch and loveseat with end tables, set up kind of like a living room. At the other end was my bed dresser and chest of drawers. My television sat on the chest of drawers, in near the foot of my bed. My laptop lived on a TV tray at the foot of my bed. This was my world; bed, TV and laptop, I rarely ventured outside of this 10 sqft area. The problem was that with my computer at the end of my bed all-nighters were impossible. I was literally already in the bed. I got no work done at home. So before the beginning of this quarter I re-arranged my bedroom. I moved the living room furniture down around the television. I moved my bedroom furniture down to the end of my room near the windows; I figured the sun would help me wake up in the morning. What I hadn’t counted on was my attachment to my television. Many nights I end up asleep on my couch, in front of the TV. I thought this furniture arrangement would fit the way I lived but I may have missed the mark. When creating comfort at home you have to think about what you do every day and what is important to you. But through it all you must remember that furniture can be re-arranged again and again. When watching shows on television where people are looking to buy a house it always makes me laugh when people walk into a room and say “oh, I think my furniture will fit in here” or “I hate the color of these walls.” These are not things that you should consider when purchasing a home. If you’re spending $200,000 on a house you shouldn’t be concerned about a $2000 sofa or a $40 can of paint. Think about the way you live and what your current and future needs are. Buy a house based on those factors, not because you hate the carpet.
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