Saturday, February 5, 2011

Benefits of Good Ergonomic Design and Connection to Positive Human Response

Ergonomics is a lot more than comfy office chairs and funny looking computer keyboards. Have you ever been to a facility and thought nothing about it? I mean nothing in a good way.  Like the door opened in the direction you thought it should (you didn’t push when you should have pulled).  You didn’t have to look for the trashcan when it was time to throw something away.  The seat you sat in was comfortable, your butt didn’t even fall asleep and you were there for a while.  The work surface was the perfect height for the activity you were doing.  The heaviest items were stored at the right height so you didn’t have to bend and lift or worry about them falling on you from above when you bring them down.  Well, that’s ergonomics too.  Ergonomics isn’t just things that are easy to grab with your hands or scissors that work for lefties and righties, ergonomics is also how spaces are arranged and how easy things are reach and use.  A space that is well designed, ergonomically, won’t stand out in your mind.  You’re allowed to move through the space and perform the necessary functions in that space very naturally.  That’s ergonomics.

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