Saturday, February 5, 2011

Benefits of Crowding in Interior Space

Have you ever given a performance to a sparse crowd? You’re searching for someone in the audience to connect with and all you see is empty chairs. This is the reason why many performance spaces have different size venues.  It also is more of a benefit for the person experiencing a performance.  Have you ever watched a movie alone and realized that it seemed much funnier when you saw it in a theater full of people or even a group of your friends at home.  Being in a group changes how you experience a space.  Imagine walking through a haunted house alone, you can hear every little noise, every experience is intensified you are nearly scared to death.  In that same haunted house with a group your surrounded by other people making you feel safe and allowing you to pay less attention to exactly what is going on around you (although in a haunted house you’re paying to be scared so one may or may not see that as a good thing).  Being in a group changes how you experience a space.  It alters your focus and may change your how you perceive an activity in an interior environment.

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